Mystery of the Magical Werecats

N(10) has written and illustrated her own books for years (here's an early example) - she's really quite prolific, her approach being to do lots and lots of them quickly: they're generally not coloured, and mostly just outlines of the action. D(8) is very different in his approach, he's meticulous and methodical and very much a perfectionist: he's worked on the same book for almost a year now.

Mystery of the Magical Werecats is that book, which the kids started together last Easter when they met a new friend, Caleb. N quickly lost interest and moved on to the next project, but D stayed with it and refined the story, adding to it and illustrating more. He wouldn't write anything, though, because his approach to writing is still that he won't do it unless he knows exactly how to spell things. So unless he's got one of us parents to ask how to spell every word, he doesn't bother to write.

This is where their collaboration as a team worked so beautifully. D's effort pretty much finished, he just needed N to add the words and they spent several hours together putting the finishing touches to their book.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: The Mystery of the Magical Werecats, by N and D.


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