Living Simply: simple clothing

This blog post is because it's been on my mind lately - how we try to live simply. There was a Q&A on Youtube with a Franciscan nun, and she said: We try to live simply, use what we have, and use it up. She has two habits (outfits), both over 20 years old, and that's all she needs.

I've always been attracted to the idea of living simply. That's not to say I'm against my mod cons - I'm certainly no 'trad wife' who plants vegetables and thrives on cleaning the house with homemade vinegar! - but spending my 20's moving around, I always liked the ability to pack up my life into two suitcases and be off. Now, that is definitely no longer possible these days, with two kids who like to hoard toys and books, but I absolutely do keep on top of what we own and get rid of anything that is surplus to requirements - that's just for my own sanity and peace of mind. 

Simple kids clothing

Luckily, my kids (now 9 and 8) have never had strong opinions on what they wear as long as it felt good. So I've had free reign to get them the clothes I chose! They are always second hand - as are my own - and in the brightest colours I can get, for maximum visibility on playgrounds (and because I think it suits kids to be colourful!). So they have always had a kind of uniform, which has evolved over the years - after all, they keep needing new clothes as they grow! - but has always been simple. In recent years, it's been this:

N(9) lives in soft bike shorts (summer) or leggings (winter; fleece lined if cold) with a sleeveless dress over. If it's cold, the dress can have a shirt underneath and/or a jumper over.

D(8) wears shorts or trousers with polo shirts, and a jumper over that if needed. For the high heat of summer in Vienna, he has tank tops too.

They each have one pair of sandals, one pair of trainers, and one pair of boots for winter. One winter jacket and one rainjacket. That way, the only decision to be made is which type of shoes / jacket is called for with the weather, and no arguments.

Simple clothes for me

As for myself, I wear leggings or shorts under sleeveless dresses, with a shirt underneath and/or jumper/cardigan over as needed. For shoes, I have one pair of sandals for summer, trainers, and one pair of boots.

I have two black dresses, the same kind, for summer - when one is in the wash, I wear the other. I find these suit me perfectly, they have pockets, and I can put leggings and/or shirts under as needed as well as jumpers/cardigans over. These two dresses are what I wear in the warmer season:

This was 2021 - at that time, the kids' summer uniform was these onesies

Then there's the winter dresses, which are a heavier cotton fabric, also have deep pockets and I like the way they look on me. I have two of these, different hues (I dyed one). Again, perfect for layering.

Finally, I do have two nice dresses for Sundays and celebrations. These aren't strictly necessary, and I've debated whether to keep them or not, but we're not trying to pack up our life and move at this point, so they can stay for the moment. 

And that, folks, is our clothing. Keeping this general 'uniform' means everything fits together, and there's no time spent thinking about what we should wear today. Everything in our closet is being used regularly - it's simply a case of putting it in on one side after laundry, and taking it out the other side, so there's a rotation going. 

I'd love to hear how you keep on top of your decluttering, too - it's a constant job, and I'm much better with clothing than with books or games! And the kids' toys are a whole other story...


  1. I LOVE your dresses 👗👗


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