My boy at eight

On the eve of his big day, it's time for another birthday post... my young sparrow is 8, where's the time gone? He's all broad shoulders, knobbly knees and shiny big grown-up's front teeth. I watch him grow like a weed as he runs everywhere with his boundless energy (this boy doesn't walk!), freedom-loving and structure-rejecting. His heart is big and so open and vulnerable it's making me feel like mama bear with the need to protect him. He feels everything so deeply. Joy - "This is the best day of my life!" happens on the regular, also the most infectious high-pitched laugh... but there's equally strong anger, which he's yet to learn how to keep in check, and which sadly often results in him lashing out at those around him. He will tell me he hates me and wants to run away - and an hour later, without any manipulative agenda, he'll tell me I'm the best mum ever and he loves me with all his heart. He just says what he feels at the tim...