Advent 2023

Since the kids were little, Advent has been a very special time filled with activities and traditions created intentionally. Here's what I wrote about it in 2019 and we still do all those things. My aim in choosing and creating traditions was to help the kids build anticipation over the season, focus on why we celebrate (it's Jesus' birthday!) and to try and take the focus away a bit from the receiving stuff to the idea of giving as well.

Most of the things here we've been doing for years now, but this year for the first time we're doing a 'Jesse Tree' (going through the Bible leading up to the birth of Christ, one event at a time) as well.

As every year, we have the obligatory chocolate advent calendars as well as an Advent Wreath with four candles on it. Every Sunday in Advent we light another one, so that we end up with four lit candles by Christmas.

There's also the reuseable Advent Calendar which has an 'activity' card in it every day (pro tip: I'm not writing on the card until the night before!) - activities are Christmassy things like writing cards, baking cookies, and taking chocolate to say thanks to those that serve us (more on that later!)

As we go through the days, chocolate is taken out and Jesse Tree ornaments go up

Mary and Joseph (and the donkey) have also started their journey to Bethlehem. They're found in a different place very morning.

On 6th December, St Nicholas came to fill their boots with good things!

One of our absolute favourite traditions, which we've kept up for years now, is to go to those services that look after us - firefighters, doctor, dentist, police etc. - with chocolate, to say thank you. I don't always take photos, as it's more about being in the moment, but this year I got a few. My personal favourite visit was to our doctor's surgery where the receptionist got all the staff to come out to meet us and the kids then insisted we sing our Christmas carol of the year... which we did, me feeling very on-the-spot but the kids sang with great gusto!

Some of our Advent activities (as per the activities calendar mentioned above) are simple things at home, like decorating, baking and doing Christmas cards - they love putting them into the neighbours' letterboxes - and some are special activites outside the house, like going ice skating or visiting the Christmas special at our local zoo.

Shortcrust pastry and nutella - simple but effective!

Of course, we visited Santa Claus in his grotto (with marshmallows afterwards!), and celebrated with our friends at the home ed co-operative. And we received gifts from the kids' aunties in Vienna!

Christmas special at the home ed co-op

Tomorrow it's Christmas (Eve) so it's time to bring this post to an end - there will be a year-end post before long though. Merry Christmas everyone!


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