I'm not the parent I want to be

This post's title is almost exactly the same as one I wrote several years ago: I'm not the parent I thought I would be . I wrote that old article very much as a new parent with very small kids. The values I held then are still there, of course. But now, with kids in mid childhood, I'm more and more conscious of my shortcomings as a mother. And this blog is my thinking out loud space - it's not meant as a place to show off and appear perfect in every way, but a real record of where I'm at. And this is where I am today: feeling inadequate, ill equipped, not enough. I so desperately want to do right by them There's never been a time in my life before where I desperately wanted to do something well but kept failing, yet continued on. If I couldn't be good at something despite trying for a while, I'd just give up and walk away. Maths comes to mind... though I was never passionate about that, just had to pass the class somehow. Or playing instruments - I never...