Sweden: scenery and gnats second to none

Travel for 2023: finished.

I have to say, this past week in Sweden has made me grateful to finally return to 'normal' life. We love to travel, but man, it does wear you down eventually!

The reason we went to Sweden was my work with IVSS Churchear, the European charity for hard of hearing people. So for me, it was mostly about business - but, as I've written before, as a family we think it's important that the kids see us in the act of serving because that's a value we want to pass on. So when I serve - at IVSS, at Open Ears, at Spring Harvest - the kids come along. They see me serve, they meet people who are different and who face challenges that my kids don't face, and they learn that everyone should be equally loved and valued. This kind of learning doesn't translate to academics, but is actually way more important.

The conference wasn't in Stockholm, it was in the countryside - so with a very long train ride from Stockholm Airport, we got to see some stunning countryside and then we got to stay in the most picturesque little town. It was beautiful.

My means of transportation from and to the conference

Our little chalet

Morning mist

So because I was working almost the entire time, this holiday was mostly Mr spending quality time with the kids. There was a swimming pool at the camp ground so they spent quite a lot of time there. They also walked up a hill where they could see all around... 

...and then they got off that hill as quick as they could because the gnats were absolutely eating them alive! We all have come back with a multitude of itchy bites, because those buggers were in the chalet and feasted on us in the night. And they were at the conference venue. They were everywhere! The kids became quite adept at killing them, though - a losing battle, of course.

Frog found

Mushrooms grow big in Sweden!

Yikes, we found the toadstool

At the conference, mine were the only kids but they certainly did have fun meeting a richly diverse group of people. There was one moment that will really stay with me, though. One lunch, a hard of hearing lady sat with some friends but they left early, leaving her to finish her meal on her own. N(9) noticed and sat with this lady, initiated a chat and had a great conversation with her. Her emotional intelligence and empathy continue to amaze me.

Having a conversation

Found an adult sized elephant costume and found a way to fill it!

A few travel pics to finish... we're all really done with travel for now. 


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