The Educational Everyday

Someone once said, try not to learn anything at all for a day.... you can't! And certainly kids learn all the time. All. The. Time. I love watching it.

In our lives, kids being the ages that they are, learning is everywhere and interwoven with everything. They learn organically, there's never a day when they don't learn - and as such, everything we do is educational. My job is to provide the opportunities; their job is to marvel and wonder. 

Little things...

From bugs, which are D(6)'s favourite thing at the moment, to how sand feels between the toes and what it's made of, everyday activities and experiences are sources of wonder - just as much as trips to the library or figuring out the times tables. It's all learning.

At the library

Times Tables

Trips near and far

Our big travels are chronicled elsewhere - Kenya in the past, Spain, the yearly six weeks spent in Vienna, the upcoming travels to Sweden and Norway will all have their own posts. But those are big, special occasions in our year; we aren't worldschoolers... we live in one place, and a lot of our explorations are local or at least within the UK. There's so much around.

Weston Helicopter Museum

Weston Helicopter Museum

The local city farm

Weston Pier

Douai Abbey with the Open Ears charity where I volunteer

Visiting Concorde at Aerospace

The Football

At Skegness (with Spring Harvest, where I volunteer)

On a boat trip in Bristol City Centre

On the SS Great Britain

Crafts, Legos, doing stuff

Crafts at home and working out how stuff works - like at a recent Lego workshop where they designed cars and learned how gears work to make them go faster and slower - is how even 'downtime' is learning time.

Lego car races at the home ed co-operative

Strength to make it go up the incline

N(8)'s impression of our house

D(6) made an evil looking cardboard cat

I love that I'm able to give them a really fun-filled childhood - and that education and learning is woven through it, rather than divorced from life and abstract. And on this adventure, I'm learning every day as well!


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