Re-entry 2022: back to not-school

Going away for six weeks - the entire summer - cuts the year into before and after. A lot like summer holidays do for schoolkids. After all that time (plus the week in Germany) I was positively craving our routine again - weeks that looked similar to one another, regular activities, home life . One of the first things we did, this year, is to have the kids official 'not-school' portraits done! We love how they turned out - each child got to choose an item to represent them on the photo. N(8) chose a book she had written and illustrated, whereas D(6) picked a Lego invention he had come up with, a trimaran: It actually took us a number of weeks to shape our routine this side of summer. Partly to blame was that I lost my main client, whom I was working for all day on Thursdays; because of that work, Thursday was usually the kids' day with the grandparents. For a few weeks, I had no replacement work on the horizon, and we played with various schedules for the week, but eventua...