A week in Germany

Two weeks after returning from Vienna, the kids and I were off again, this time to Germany. Not a holiday for me but work: I was asked to provide live subtitles for the biannual conference of IVSS Churchear , a Europe wide initiative to challenge and support churches to fully include people with hearing loss. Because this organisation started in Germany it's very heavily German dominated (and this conference was held in Eisenach, Germany - Luther and Bach's town) but these days they're so international that they need to offer everything in English too. So my role was to provide on-the-fly translated subtitles in real time - that was challenging, though fun to do! The organisation had invited my entire family to come but after two weeks in Vienna, Mr didn't feel able to take another week off so it was just me and the kids. We flew from Bristol to Frankfurt, then took a two hour train journey to arrive in Eisenach. A small, very picturesque town, and our hotel could have...