Planning our Lent 2022
It's nearly Lent again. I said in 2020 that we had the Lent to end all Lents - lockdown came in just as the season began, and continued way longer! - and all the ideas and practices we had looked forward to incorporating into our lives just went by the wayside as we adjusted to having to stay home all the time. In 2021 , I wrote a whole series on Lent as I followed a set of meditations. This year, Lent feels more familiar to us. We have settled into our Catholic life, living liturgically to some extent - certainly keeping Advent, and this now being our third Lent observed as a family; and we even celebrate some feast days and avoid meat on Fridays. Living in that liturgical rhythm is very much a process, a deepening each year as we go: and so it is with Lent. So, my thoughts for this year... I had planned to go TV free for Lent in 2020, which of course wasn't feasible when lockdown came, but this year it definitely is and we're going to do it. In line with my recent drive...