
Showing posts from November, 2021

Autumn 2021: A Week in the Life

Inspired by Stark Raving Dad's latest podcast - I do love a good podcast! - here's a week in our life at present. This is, as always, written primarily for the kids to one day look back; but it's also, hopefully, to encourage others who are home educating or thinking about it, to let you see what a week in the life of a 7 year old and a 5 year old can look like without school. I feel like I should mention beforehand that we take a child led, autonomous approach to learning: we never sit down at a table to follow a curriculum or do worksheets. At this age, everything in life is a learning experience. And because we are led by the children's interests, which are subject to change, nothing is set in stone - this is literally just a snapshot into the way our weeks shape up right now. It's not a blueprint of how home education should look - that's the beauty of this approach, it's so individual that no two home educating families will be the same. Because our c...