Lent 2021: Reflections on Self-Worth

These questions come from Rachel Macy Stafford's Soul Shift Lift course. Reflection Prompts: How do you measure your self-worth? How do you define success? Do you feel a shift is needed in either area? I used to, and easily still fall into, measuring my worth in terms of my competence . Knowing stuff, being able to do stuff. This, together with efficiency . Helpful values in the workplace, sure, but not helpful in child rearing because in my quest for getting stuff done, I can lose sight of nurturing and connection. My children don't care how well or how quickly I do things. They want to get involved in whatever I'm doing, and because this tends to slow me down, my default reaction is to try and redirect them. Go play! Those words come out of my mouth quite a lot. I don't play, you see: I tell them to play. Luckily, they are close in age and love so they do play together a lot... but I feel I should make more of an effort to do things that don't accomplish anyt...