Goodbye Facebook: why I'm stepping back

First of all, to be clear: I am not deleting my FB account, because I still find FB useful for marketplace and certain groups I'm part of. But other than that, I will be stepping back at the beginning of Lent, and plan on permanently minimising my use of Facebook - getting out of it what I need, but putting nothing in. How this has come about I have loved Facebook since 2007, because it has allowed me to easily stay up to date with what friends and family in distant lands are up to - and they're all over the place: the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Austria, ... it's the little things they post about life, that made me feel connected. It's not the same as a once-a-year Christmas update letter: not the highlights, but the nitty-gritty and their random thoughts and small life happenings. That is what has kept me on FB, really, when various friends have left over the past few years. The other really useful FB feature I got into when the kids were born were the Facebo...