Memoir: An Expulsion
I've been taking a free writing course online during lockdown, to improve my writing style particularly for the blog. It's been interesting - and my most recent homework was to write "A memoir", that is, write a memory (as opposed to a whole-life biography). I wrote the following - a defining memory in my life, my childhood. Critiques of my writing, or how it made you feel, would be very welcome! An Expulsion So today's the day. I wonder why? Perhaps it's because she spoke to him at orchestra practice... out of politeness, because she had to, and now he thinks it was an invitation? So drunk he can barely stand. I can see it so clearly now. Never used to notice, because it was his default, it was all I knew - but I see it now, clear as day. And here he is, at the door. He wants in. I won't let him. He might get her to, but not me, and I'm at the door. "I'll break the door down!" I'm not sure my giggles are from the hilarity or a sign...