
Showing posts from 2020

2020: A Strangely Positive Look Back

This year has been a shock to the entire world's system, and we have certainly lived through a year that will be mentioned in history books forever.  Yet for us, as I look back, it has been - all in all - a good year. One that turned out extremely differently to what we expected, different from anything we've ever known. It's had its hard places of course (although we never actually suffered any real hardship, as so many in this country and around the world have and still are), but as we come up for air on the other side of the 2020 experience, we are alright.  Financially While so many people in the country have taken a huge financial hit, Mr.'s work has remained stable (for now - he's in aerospace, so there will be long term repercussions if people continue to fly less) and except for a three-week furlough at 80% pay, he has just continued to do his work from home. As for me, just as the first lockdown came in I began taking on agency work as an electronic notetak...

Advent in a Strange Year

 This Advent was different in many ways, but we still made it as special as could be as we prepare for Jesus' birthday. This year, there were no Carol Services; no Messy Christmas activities; no visiting friends... and our hearts are missing them! What we did, however, to fill our Advent - brace yourself, lots of photos are coming! - was to have fun as a family... We made crafts: our own Advent Wreath, and Rudolph the Stick Reindeer We did creative, arty things... We baked & decorated (with varying results)... Mary and Joseph got lost every night on their journey to Bethlehem We even saw several Santas, in socially distant ways And with that, we wish you all a (safe and) merry Christmas!