Running ragged

It's Lent, the season for giving things up. I wasn't going to, but my body delivered a powerful message to me this weekend (in the shape of a vicious flu virus) that stopped me in my tracks and made me finally listen to what my husband's been telling me all along: I need to do less. The problem is, I can't give up doing life. I can't give up being involved in things, or going out - in fact for me going out to toddler groups is much less stressful than staying home! (They can run around there and play with other kids, make mess, do messy crafts while I sit down with a hot drink - at home I'd never sit down, I'd be attempting damage control and they'd be bored with the familiar toys and no other kids around so they'd be looking to me to give them fun ...!) Art like this needs careful supervision at home... And yet. I recently started a self defence course (10 weeks long) which is delivering exactly what I hoped - practical, simple ways to de...