Questioning our Culture

It comes naturally to me to question the norms of culture. Looking back, I think it's my mother's influence - she was described by many as " weltfremd ": a stranger to the world. She lived for her passions (music), never much concerned with the realities of life like money, practicalities, logistics. As a teenager, of course, my default response to this was to be as practical as could be: I chose to do a business degree, not because I'm passionate about business but because practically that would allow me to do a variety of things, to make an income. But something of her attitude certainly stuck. Even as a child, I took a certain pleasure in going against the flow, of doing the opposite of what peer pressure would have dictated (aged 12-13 for example I wore pretty much the same clothes, a drab grey/black baggy style, every day no matter what, when all the girls around me had nothing but fashion on their minds)... and to this day, if something is a popular fad...