Driveway, cuddles and love

The front of our house is in the final stages of transformation! After Mr filled up the sloping front garden with soil excavated from the back (wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow, all by himself), today we've had the kerb lowered and we can already park the car on our own land! Still needs pebbles to fill it up and steps for access but this is a major milestone.

Also today we played with cuddle selfies... which were just what we needed after a rainy morning at Blaise playground (where I took no photos).

I just love how loving they both are. Today at Lidl N just said "Oh I love you mama!" and a lady nearby stopped and said oh how lovely is that, it's not something you hear often from kids... and my thought was, well I don't know, I hear it many times daily. These kids fill up my heart every day.

On the weekend the weather's been pretty horrible, so we went to the soft play to give Mr a chance to do DIY jobs.


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