Resolutions 2018: building into family life

It's 2018! I do resolutions. Lots of people I know don't like the idea, feeling it puts on unnecessary pressure, but I feel they are helpful in refining what I'm hoping to achieve in the year to come. So yes, I do resolutions. Seven of them this year, which must be a new record! Phone I intend to be much more present with my children. This has been on my mind for a while: I don't want to be a distracted parent or put a screen between my children and me. They notice. I've seen people put away their phones entirely, or even delete Facebook or other apps off them, but my plan is simply to only use the phone when I'm either looking something up (that's relevant at the time) or when someone important calls / sends a message. Sit-down family meals I didn't grow up sitting around a table to eat. It feels alien to me, even though in my "second family" (my aunt's, where I lived age 15-18) it was absolutely the done thing; it never became no...