The question of obedience

I read something the other day. A Christian parent, with the best of intentions, said their goal for their child was to build "a habit of cheerful, first-time, complete obedience". I thought about that. I mulled it over for days. And I have pretty strong feelings about it: this is not what I want to build in my children. Not at all. It's something I have read and heard fairly frequently in Christian circles, this idea of instant obedience as a goal for your child. With the idea that they will then be quick to obey God in a cheerful and complete manner. So why do I disagree so strongly? There are just so many things wrong with this idea! Firstly, I don't want my children to obey any and all authority out of habit . A habit of obedience is not good in an adult, and adults is who they will become. "I was ordered to do it, and I obeyed." - as an Austrian, with the shameful past of the 20th century behind us, this makes me shudder. I ...