
Showing posts from November, 2014

Living Green-ish

Every so often I read about things like  BPA in plastic causing cancer  or how  even disposable 'eco' nappies take a lifetime to decompose  and I think about my family's health and our impact on the world. And often I do try to do something about it. Not always; I'm reasonably green-minded but I have to admit that if it significantly inconveniences us or costs too much, it doesn't happen. I'm not all-or-nothing about it - just trying to reduce our footprint while maintaining a reasonable quality of life. So, recently after reading an  article  written by a woman in New York who generates 'Zero Waste' I've been thinking about our family's ways again. I do think we're quite green in some ways, but I don't think we're all that radical... here are some things we've thought about, and what we're doing about them. Baby being washed in water :) BPA in plastic and cans . Apparently  tinned tomatoes are the worst offende...

Emotional depth: motherhood level

An alternative title for this post could have been, "Things that make me cry"... I've never cried easily. In fact, there must have been whole years in which I never cried. How times change. Happy baby She cries a lot less than I do I've been crying often since giving birth. No, I'm not depressed - I'm just experiencing emotions much deeper than I ever have before. And not just in relation to my child. A few things that have made me cry lately: Joy . The most surprising thing, the depth of joy I've experienced with this baby; just looking at her, watching her as she sleeps or feeds or looks wide eyed at the world, has reduced me to tears. As I talk to her and tell her how much I love her, more often than not I cry and fail to get the words out. But she doesn't seem to mind. Thankfulness . The other day, baby was in her hammock and I had some cuddles with the dog when I just lost it at the sheer amount of love surrounding me - Mr. came home j...

Accepting Help

She's five weeks old tomorrow. So  little ! So  big ! Such a  short  space of time to get to know her, yet I feel so incredibly close to her. Such  long  days, each full of new learning yet one much like the other. Opposite things totally true at the same time. No one ever told me (or perhaps there's no way of appreciating until you experience it) just how all-consuming this mothering business is. Days fly by and suddenly she's a month old and I'm starting to get into a routine at the same time as still feeling like I have no idea what I'm doing. I learn new things every day about how to take care of this little person. But I'm learning another lesson, too: how to humbly accept help. I'm not a natural at that... I've been receiving so much help in the last few weeks. The church has organised a rota that continues until next week, where friends bring us dinner every other day. Six weeks without really cooking - time to get our act together eno...